Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Fire Suppression Systems in Wisconsin

When designing Wisconsin fire suppression systems, there are many things Brothers Fire takes into account. In general, we will consider what the building is used for, who or what occupies it, its footprint and what other systems are currently installed. Each Wisconsin building is different, and the fire suppression systems we design and install can vary greatly. So it definitely takes an expert approach to figure out and implement the best fire suppression systems for Wisconsin businesses.
Designing fire suppression systems involves an integrated approach where we look at more than just complying with the code and regulations. We have to go above and beyond that to ensure the Wisconsin business owner's workers and assets are being fully protected from a fire emergency. Looking at the building and its components as a whole is the first step. From there, we will look at the fire code and see what the minimum requirements are. Fire codes vary greatly from state to state and even suburbs vs. city. We usually go above and beyond those minimum codes so we are sure that people and buildings are protected.
We look at three basic things when designing fire suppression systems: how to detect that a fire has started, how to alert or notify people that a fire emergency is occurring and how to quickly and effectively suppress the fire. A fire-protection engineer is able to look at a Wisconsin building, its purpose and other factors and, from there, design the best fire suppression system. Each component has several different options. For example, a detection system could use smoke detectors, heat detectors or both.
For more information on how Brothers Fire can design and install fire suppression systems for your Wisconsin business, give us a call at (763) 441-2290, or you can call us toll-free at 1-800-607-2767. Or you can contact us online.