Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Advantages of Commercial Security Systems

One of the best ways to protect your commercial property is with a security system. It will protect your building’s occupants and assets, and it will alert you if there is a fire or a similar emergency. So what are some of the other benefits of commercial security systems? Twin Cities business owners can enjoy plenty of advantages like the ones listed here.

For one thing, commercial security systems will help protect your building’s occupants and all of the items in your building from the threat of a fire or theft. Commercial security systems were invented for this reason. They are a reliable way to keep everyone and everything safe, and they will let you know if anything has happened. They are also programmed to alert emergency personnel that there is a fire or break-in occurring.

If you travel a lot (or even if you don’t!), commercial security systems can be your eyes and ears, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This is great news for those who are very busy and cannot be at their commercial property all the time. Besides, you need some down time for your personal life too, so commercial security systems can give you the peace of mind you need that everything is okay, even when you are not there to see for yourself.

Commercial security systems are monitored 24/7, and the ones installed by Brothers Fire & Security are no exception. We also offer AES IntelliNet, which is an excellent mesh radio communication system that allows you to communicate directly with the monitoring company. It does not rely on phone lines to work, and the transmitter is fully controlled by you and no one else. This is a great method of alerting you that something is wrong with your building, and we will also alert the proper authorities too so they can respond quickly.

Finally, commercial security systems are built to monitor your fire alarm system too. So if a fire does break out, the correct emergency first responders are notified and you are too, plus anyone else you designate to be notified. Your building’s occupants will have time to evacuate because these systems will also sound an alarm so people know to get out of the building as quickly as possible.

If you would like more information on commercial security systems in the Twin Cities, call Brothers Fire & Security at 1-800-607-2767 or you can contact us and Schedule Your Estimate.